What is tapping?
Tapping combines elements from traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and neurolinguistic programming. It aims to alleviate negative emotions and stress as well as limiting beliefs by gently tapping certain meridian points on the body.
At the same time, the coachee concentrates on the emotional stress or the new, positive alignment (Emotional Freedom Technique/EFT).
In the case of trauma, elements from NLP are added to distort the traumatic experience in image and sound (Trauma Buster Technique/TBT).
The basic idea behind tapping is that negative emotions and psychological stress cause blockages in the body's energy flow. By tapping on the meridian points, these blockages can be released and the energy flow restored.
While tapping, the coachee speaks relevant words, affirmations or sentences to support positive change.
What does a tapping session look like?
Who is tapping suitable for?
Tapping is suitable for people with limiting mental or emotional stress of various kinds, including